Thursday, December 21, 2006

age kya hoga rama re...........

Last week has been very strange for me.

Monday came with me taking leave to do my finding nemo (FN) project.... but on Sunday - sanjay & rajesh walked out of class as they thought ppl were not excited about the project (FN) and also that we keep disturbing them, etc. I had recording with Parkin but that didnt happen as I came in very late & evening dubbing that was to happen with Laveenji which did not happen at all because of this hungama........ Also I lost my cell phone... didnt get 'eragon - I' in 'in orbit' crossword and had a terrible cold through out the my recordidng. did i mention earlier that i have still not a single professional experiance!!!

On tuesday... i was depressed & appologized to everyone for crying at sugar mediaz on monday.

On wednesday my boss screamed at me for folding letters & i bought new phone

On thursday - my boss's anniversary & training... but i seem to have a hangover from last week.....

I wonder whats instore next........

Friday, December 15, 2006

aiii zindagi gale lagale.......

On some level this post is a continuation of the earlier post, but this time it is about expectations from myself..... Dr. Sayeda saya that I tend to compete with aai & baba........ it hurts but she is right, i want to be as good as they are in atleast some of the things..... which I ma not. Its not them who create pressure on me, its me.

Though on a logical basis I accept & understand this, I am finding it really hard to internalise this.......

mostly, i feel like a bit worthless, there have been 10 odd auditions & i have not even got a single one of them.

I wish I didnt exist or I could vanish away int o thin air without any trace or memory... no one would remember or miss me and there would be nothing... or i dil ban jaye pathar ka na isme koi hulchul ho.......

yesterday i fought with my father - because i did not go to group counselling due to work & he said he would talk to my boss....... I find that appalling... but i know i should have gone for it, gone for my tennis classes & even my gym..... but its not really about that is it?

At what point does a person feel like they deserve anything or they get the thing they deserve.......I mean on one level I feel I am not worthy of anything but on another level i feel that i should get selected in an can the 2 coexist?

I feel this post will be a bit unconnected...... but i cant help it..........

We look for validation in life, love yes but valisdation in love, not a critical love.... but at the same time there must be a discipline - I understand that - still - when will i start excercising regularly, like it has happened with my brushing my teeth... do peopl prefer to be alone rather than be judged by ppl... is loneliness better or worse?

I am seeing more & more chinks in baba's way of thinking - how its extremely contradictory & rigid at times...... But i also see how terribly flawed and marred and incompleted i am..........

aiii zindagi gale lagale, humne bhi tere har ek gham ko gale se lagaya hai...... hain na!

Friday, December 8, 2006

Still not over yet.....

Its a bit odd, but I still expect things from him & in some ways I am like more than a friend to him... Last week I bought some cosmetics for me. I have called him up twice for his sister's internship But then we also had an argument because i think it was very rude of him to not get time to call me once in a day because he was meeting his boss at home.

The problem is actually different. I am finding it different to deal with my expectations.... I mean why must he call me.... or vice versa... I am like that with most ppl, I try my hardest to control my expectations so the equations are safe. but once i cross the threshhold I find it very hard to come back. Also I absolutely hate ppl who cant keep commitments - if they say something they better do subject to extenuation circumstances & i hate being taken for granted.

Also other things in life are taking ona life of their own - i was talking for 20 mins to my bro after a few weeks & he sort of told me to buzz off in nice words. same thing happened this morning - this time he was more vocal & direct. That hurts - its not like i ask hours of my families time - honestly. I pray with all my heart that I can just stop talking... my father hates it too..... I wonder if i really talk too much.

Also its quite confusing, apparently my pa got me to this city so we could be together - what was all that about - either u hate my babbling or u do, I did not twist your hand to be here....... I am glad though I am enjoying work here ......

I wonder if vipasshana will help.... can i just stop speaking or will it kill moi? I cant spk to him, I cant spk to my family, my mum's current situation is quite painful for me to talk about it..... I love her lots & lots

Today was more rambling then ever before i guess..... I am also not looking forward to class too.......